Adelante Capital Management has been working remotely since March 12, 2020. We are continuously managing and evaluating the impact of COVID-19. Our primary focus is on managing our clients’ assets and the safety of our employees. As a global asset manager, our business is fully operational as we navigate the economic consequences of this global pandemic.
What actions are we taking?
Adelante is currently operating under Governor Newsom’s Shelter in Place Order and has implemented our comprehensive Business Continuity Program designed to protect the firm, our employees and ensure our activities are uninterrupted. We have been working with normal business operations with no impact to our investment, trading, operational and client service capabilities.
We have suspended all domestic and international air travel and meet the needs of our clients either via audio or video meetings.
We encourage everyone to Social Distance.
We remain focused on running our business while managing the safety of our employees, families and communities. This decision not only helps keep our employees safe, but it also allows us to play a part in reducing the potential impact on our healthcare system by joining other members of the business community in making prudent choices about how we operate. We thank the many healthcare and emergency services professionals who are working around the clock to serve their local communities.
We thank our clients for their continued trust as we navigate the markets and changes to the global economy.
Wishing you and yours well